The funny thing about most people is that if you tell them how to make a million bucks, most of them would tell you to fuck off. Seriously. Even if you told them the secret to success and happiness, people would not believe you.
People would think that you’re a fucking clown. People would think that you’re trying to defraud them. People would think of all sorts of bullshit because, you know what? Deep down inside, they’re scared shitless.
You see, a lot of the world’s problems is due to the fact that people simply can’t stand up to their fear. This is why most people would rather prefer to live lives of struggle and mediocrity because they’re so afraid of what’s on the other of the curtain. They’re so afraid of having to put in the work. They’re so afraid of having to sacrifice. They’re so afraid of having to make a change.
It really all boils down to living your life like that proverbial frog in the pot. There is this sick motherfucker who put a frog in a pot and turned up the heat one degree at a time. As the story goes, the frog got used to the increasing temperature and by the time the water reached the boiling stage, the frog just boiled to death. It didn’t even notice.
As wild as that story may be, it is definitely true when it comes to how people choose to live their lives. Most of us live in a way that we operate far below our fullest potential. If you are looking for cougars looking for sex, you are living far below your potential because you could be banging those cougars.
Instead of fantasizing about all these older women having sex with younger men, you could be banging those hot older ladies. But what’s holding you back? What’s holding you back is your fear. And you’re like that frog. You only will move if you see really drastic changes around you.
Unfortunately, things don’t pan out that way. In many cases, things just drip on you slowly until it’s too late. So fuck that shit. Fuck what you’re doing, and just fucking grab life by the balls and never let go. That’s how you tackle your milf problem.
Believe it or not, there are tons of cougars looking for sex out there as you can see on , but you don’t get to fuck them unless you start believing that there are cougars looking for sex. Do you see how this works? It’s all about belief.